Not much is more important to your enterprise than an uninterrupted flow of HUD subsidy payments. To keep the money coming, you must stay in compliance with TRACS. Making an error when submitting your Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) (HUD Form 52670) can often result in a costly and time-consuming process to correct. Generally, the best way to maintain proper HUD TRACS compliance is to stay on top of monthly submissions and keep everything in compliance. Our expert team will ensure you are always up to date with HUD TRACS submissions.
Each month, we will:
• Resolve any TRACS Errors
• Submit Approved Special Claims Requests
• Reconcile Requested Subsidy Billing
• Resubmission of Vouchers, if needed.
• Correctly Submit Repayment Agreement Activity
• Ensure the property never falls below the required compliance percentage