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There are many templates available to PHAs that can assist in writing an Admissions and Continuing Occupancy Policy (ACOP) and an Administrative Plan for their voucher program. However, these templates only meet the letter of HUD’s requirements and don’t reflect the unique characteristics of a PHA and the area it serves.

With US Housing Consultants, our policy creation process is different. We include exploratory discussions and due diligence regarding a PHA’s portfolio, staff, operations, and the wants and needs of residents and HCV participants. In many cases, the ACOP and Admin plan become part of a larger strategic plan to modernize and streamline operations at Public Housing Authorities.

Are your Policies Up to Date?

HOTMA created a host of new “discretionary” and “required” updates to your ACOP. We can help you make the required changes and give you the knowledge to understand what the discretionary policies could mean to your PHA. But HOTMA is just the latest update. It’s essential to always be up to date on your policies. This is why US Housing Consultants offers ACOP and Admin Plans as an annual service. We will always keep you up to date and ensure you’re using the right
income and rent limits and adhering to updated policies and procedures.

Policies and Procedures for Small and Rural PHAs

For small and rural PHAs, different rules and regulations apply. What’s more – there are different priorities. Your ACOP and Admin Plan should reflect these elements, and we’re here to lend a hand.

Five-Year and Annual Plan

Creating effective annual and five-year plans is key to strategic planning for any PHA. We can assist with developing plans that are more than just a template. Five-year and Annual plans are created with extensive due diligence and discovery.

Contact us for more Information Today.