Download our free USHC-crafted NSPIRE Standards manual today
NSPIRE became the “law of the land” on Oct. 1, 2023. The inspection protocol replaces the Uniform Physical Condition Standards (UPCS) and the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) protocols. NSPIRE, like all new things, requires investigation and understanding and US Housing Consultants has created a vital and free product that will help you nail down the changes prior to October.
Our new online resource and downloadable manual is clear, thorough, and incisive. It will help guide you through the interpretation and implementation of the new standards. The manual can be accessed gratis by clicking here, and we invite you sign-up for updates by clicking here.
In this online resource library and downloadable manual, we have condensed the NSPIRE standards and organized the standards into a format that is more consistent with industry standard approaches for building codes, inspection standards, and operating terminology. This manual also removes some of the redundancies in HUD’s NSPIRE standards. Our Understanding NSPIRE Standards Manual reduces the standards from approximately 650 pages on HUD’s website to just under 100 pages.
This manual is the basis of Understanding NSPIRE Standards Seminars and ACE Certification Courses, and we will be updating it once official updates have been added to HUD’s website. From Fire and Life Safety to structural issues, US Housing Consultants’ NSPIRE manual will be your inspiration for making your properties compliant and safe for your residents.
US Housing Consultants founder, Scott Precourt, penned much of the manual. “We realized that much of the NSPIRE standards were written with the application of REAC Inspections in mind, but with NSPIRE as the required standard for so many other applications – it seemed like the standards needed to be translated to something that can apply for HUD REAC use, but also LIHTC, HOME, and Voucher Programs.”
This is manual is being offered as a free resource for anyone in the affordable housing industry to use for non-commercial purposes only. Any distribution, copying, or other authorized use is prohibited by copyright and trademark protection.