Other Grants Also Announced
On January 15, 2025, HUD released an Allocation Announcement Notice for public inspection. This notice announces more than $12 billion in new Community Development Block Grant—Disaster Recovery funds from the Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2025.
The funds are available for major disasters that happened in 2023 or 2024.
CDBG-DR grants go directly to a State, local government, or Native Tribe at the discretion of HUD. The department awards funds to “most impacted and distressed” (MID) areas that need disaster relief, long-term recovery, restoration of infrastructure and housing, economic revitalization, and mitigation.
The announcement provides funding to 22 States,15 counties, eight cities, and one U.S. territory. Each grantee must expend 100 percent of its allocation within six years of the date HUD signs the grant agreement, which HUD may extend for good cause.
The notice includes guidelines and information on using funds, submitting an action plan, applicable rules, statutes, waivers, and alternative requirements.
More HUD Grants Designed to Expand Housing Opportunities
On January 15, via press release HUD No. 25-020, HUD also announced $97 million in grants to non-profit organizations to support new development or rehabilitation of affordable multifamily homes and rental assistance for seniors.
In addition, HUD has awarded $40 million in grants to increase the availability of service coordinators who connect seniors and disabled persons with critical resources.
On January 14, HUD awarded $100 million in grants to 18 winners, with the intention of benefiting communities across 15 States by cutting red tape, building more homes, and lowering the costs of renting and buying a home.
These competitive funds, announced in a press release, are provided through HUD’s Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) program to remove barriers to local housing production.
And on January 13, a HUD press release announced that it is making $72 million in Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) funding available for up to 25 communities nationwide.
This funding will be used to develop and implement coordinated community approaches to prevent and end youth homelessness by creating housing and housing-focused supportive services.